There are several convenient ways you can support us.

Volunteer your Time:

We always welcome  help on our projects. Contact us for information on current projects and where we could use help.  

JUFP Membership:   

New members are always welcome.  Links to the JUFP membership brochure and the membership form: Membership Brochure  JUFP Membership Form

Financial Support

There are several ways you can help fund our projects if you choose…….

Facebook users:  we are listed as a cause.  Join us and tell your friends.


  You can make donations over the internet using Treebank, a new service from the nonprofit TreeLink.  JUFP recieves about 94%  of your donation. The rest is kept by treebank to fund the operation.  We have an agreement with Treebank that the funds we recieve will be used for tree planting and education projects, not overhead.    Here is the Treebank link: 

You can also go to the donation page by clicking on the Treebank icon on the right sidebar of the main blog page.


Over 700 of the top Internet retailers and travel sites including Amazon, eBay, Target, Apple, Expedia and more have joined forces with to donate part of every purchase to your favorite charity (JUFP of course!) at no additional cost to you if you register with them and use their website for your online shopping.  all you do is select your charity, and then click through to your favorite store and shop as usual.


 GoodShop’s sister site, the charity recieves  a penny to your cause every time you search the web. No cost to the user, as the money comes from advertisers.